Happy Retirement, Ya Filthy Animal (Otherwise known as Corey-tirement)

After over 20 years in Little Rock, one of the best in the business is retiring. Corey was a champion kazoo player who knew no rival... And yeah, he was pretty okay on the air too. Wanted to say a quick THANK YOU to Corey for all the laughs over the years. The Really Awful Terrible stories that he shared, the Head Up Your Ass Headlines that kept us up to date on the stories that really mattered... And even the stories that maybe only two people gave a Rat's Ass about but were funny anyway.

Corey, we're going to miss you and those stories. Gonna miss you at the Chili Cookoff every year. Not going to miss you taking your shoes off in the studio and having to fumigate with Febreze just so we can breathe through our nose after the show.

You've made so many of us laugh over the years. And that's not counting all the stuff you said on air... You are going to be missed. Thanks for the memories, Corey.

Kinda sincerely,

Every Edgehead Around The World

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