Today’s Missing Links
- Ice cream vendor thrills crowds with his unusual skills | Fox News Video
- Glowing cloud shaped like Scotland leaves Facebook users stunned across the country - Scottish Daily Express
- 'We sell fresh chicken poop' | Funny hardware store sign turns heads in Jeffersontown | News |
- Surprise from oncoming truck hits motorists windshield “WTF was that!?” (video) - ItemFix
- The barbecue car: is he barbecuing in the back or does the car run on burning wood?
- Literally having to take the dog for a drag….
- Here’s some street food that literally grows before your eyes!
- Bridge demolition in Israel does not go as planned!
- Fireworks (we think) seems to blow manhole sky high!
- Mars craters and cracks create adorable image of a teddy bear in latest NASA image - CBS News