Today’s Missing Links
- My neighbor's mailbox is a microwave oven
- Shotgun pellet to the face
- Guy’s dog gets out at 4 a.m. and has the good sense to ring the doorbell!
- Man shows no hesitation in rescuing his dog from a coyote attack
- Woman Puts Camera On Bird Feeder In Her Yard, Here Is What It Has Caught
- My parents tea kettle looks like Hitler
- Florida man's wife is a cop, a fact he never attempts to use to his benefit, accept when he is getting arrested for dui, like he is here
- Deputy's bodycam shows him narrowly escaping the Oregon Road inferno
- Drunk driver accidentally reports himself to 911 in bizarre highway incident: 'dumb f---'
- What a cricket looks like when he’s making that annoying cricket noise!
- Jewelry store employees fight back